Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saturday, 28 Nov 09 - Break the Silence: Performance Against Violence

(English original follows)

Sujet : Samedi le 28 novembre 2009 - Rompre le silence : interprétations artistiques contre la violence

Bonjour tout le monde!

Pour contribuer aux 16 jours d'activisme contre la violence de genre, les RebELLEs d'Ottawa vont afficher un événement le samedi 28 novembre 2009 de 19h à 21h au Raw Sugar Café (692 rue Somerset O).

Ceci est un événement GRATUIT avec des interprétations de création parlée, une interprétation artistique et la musique du groupe montréalais Sunday Morning Headline.

Toutes et tous sont les bienvenu et nous espèrons que vous serez des nôtres pour nous aider à "rompre le silence" à l'égard de la violence contre le genre.

En solidarité,
RebELLEs d'Ottawa
Hello everyone!

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, the Ottawa RebELLEs are hosting an event Saturday, 28 Nov 09, 7:00-9:00pm at Raw Sugar Cafe (692 Somerset St W).

This is a FREE event featuring live spoken word, performance art, and music by Montreal's own Sunday Morning Headline.

All are welcome and we hope you'll come out to help us "Break the Silence" on gender violence.

In Solidarity,
Ottawa RebELLEs

Forum: Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis at Work: What it means for Women and their Health

The Canadian Women's Health Network's Forum

Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis at Work:
What it means for Women and their Health

Monday, November 30, 2009 1:30 - 4:00 PM
Ottawa Public Library (Main Branch)
120 Metcalfe (at Laurier)
RSVP by emailing

What is sex- and gender-based analysis, and why is it important?

The forum will explore sex and gender as determinants of health and the concepts of sex, gender, diversity and equity as they relate to health. Panelists from the Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health across Canada will discuss the importance of a sex- and gender-based approach with practical examples from the brand new book, Rising to the Challenge: Sex- and gender-based analysis for health planning, policy and research in Canada.

This forum is important for women, those who provide their care, those who research their lives and plan policies that affect them.

Topics include:
  • Gender in Manitoba RHA community health assessments
  • Women and water, (privatization)
  • Clinical trials
  • Long term care
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Sex, Gender and Health Inequities
  • Obesity
Registration is free. Please emailing by Thursday, November 26 as space is limited.


The Canadian Women's Health Network and the Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Invite you to a Reception and Celebration for the publication of the book,

Rising to the Challenge:
Sex and gender-based analysis for health planning, policy and research in Canada.

Monday, November 30, 2009, 5-7 p.m.
Hotel Indigo Ottawa, 123 Metcalfe (at Laurier)
Refreshments and cash bar begin at 5 p.m.
RSVP by emailing

• Meet the book’s authors visiting from across the country.
• Mingle with Ottawa’s community builders, policy-makers and researchers.
• Have a look at our terrific publication!

Rising to the Challenge is a book that describes the process of sex- and gender-based analysis and offers a collection of case studies and commentaries that illustrate SGBA in action. The book is of interest to people working on policy, planning and research and to people at various levels of government.

It will help readers understand sex- and gender-based analysis and learn how to apply it in their work for and with women and men, girls and boys.
Forum du Réseau canadien pour la santé des femmes

L’analyse des influences du genre et du sexe: L’impact de cette approche sur les femmes et leur santé

Lundi 30 novembre 2009, 13 h 30 à 16 h 00 (présenté en anglais)
Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (édifice central)
120, rue Metcalfe (à l’angle de Laurier)
RSVP par courriel, à l’adresse

Qu’est-ce que l’analyse des influences du genre et du sexe et pourquoi est-ce si important d’intégrer cette approche?

Le forum explorera le sexe et le genre en tant que facteurs déterminants de la santé ainsi que les concepts du sexe, du genre, de la diversité et de l’équité relativement à la santé.
Des panélistes des Centres d’excellence pour la santé des femmes de tout le Canada discuteront de l’importance d’adopter une approche intégrant le sexe et le genre, avec en main des exemples concrets tirés du tout nouveau livre Se montrer à la hauteur du défi : l’analyse des influences du genre et du sexe en planification, en élaboration de politiques et en recherche dans le domaine de la santé au Canada. Ce forum est un événement d’importance pour les femmes, notamment celles qui dispensent des soins, mènent des recherches sur le vécu des femmes et conçoivent des politiques touchant cette population.

Les thèmes suivants figurent parmi les sujets qui seront traités :

• Le rôle du genre dans les évaluations de la santé des collectivités des ORS du Manitoba
• Les femmes, l’eau et l’environnement
• Les essais cliniques
• Soins à long terme
• Les analyses systémiques
• Sexe, genre et inégalités face à la santé
• L’obésité
Cet événement est gratuit. Les places étant limitées, nous vous prions de vous inscrire d’ici le jeudi 26 novembre au plus tard. Vous pouvez vous inscrire par courriel dès aujourd’hui, à l’adresse

Vous êtes également invités à une réception et à un lancement
de livre qui auront lieu après l’atelier.
Joignez-vous à nous pour célébrer le lancement du livre :

Se montrer à la hauteur du défi : l'analyse des influences du genre et du sexe en planification, en élaboration de politiques et en recherche dans le domaine de la santé au Canada

Lundi 30 novembre 2009, 17 h 00 à 19 h 00
Hotel Indigo Ottawa, 123, rue Metcalfe (à l’angle de Laurier)
Rafraîchissements et bar payant à compter de 17 h 00
RSVP par courriel à l’adresse

• Venez rencontrer les auteures du livre, venues de tous les coins du pays.
• Mélangez-vous avec les leaders communautaires, les décisionnaires, les chercheuses et les chercheurs d’Ottawa.
• Prenez connaissance de cette excellente publication!

Le livre Se montrer à la hauteur du défi décrit le processus de l’analyse des influences du genre et du sexe et offre une série d’études de cas et de commentaires illustrant l’application de l’AIGS. Le livre intéressera les gens qui œuvrent à la conception de politiques, la planification et la recherche ainsi que les interlocuteurs de divers paliers gouvernementaux. Il aidera les lectrices et les lecteurs à comprendre les rouages de l’AIGS et la façon d’appliquer cette approche dans le cadre de leur travail, pour et avec les femmes et les hommes, les filles et les garçons.

Production of this book and these events has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.

La réalisation de ce livre et la tenue de ces événements ont été possibles grâce à une contribution financière de Santé Canada. Les opinions exprimées aux présentes ne représentent pas nécessairement les positions de Santé Canada.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A WOMAN AMONG WARLORDS Afghan MP Malalai Joya to speak in Ottawa

When: 7pm, Thursday, November 26.
Where: Centretown United Church (507 Bank St)

Democracy Now! and the BBC have called her “The Bravest Woman in Afghanistan”. She has been a vocal critic of Canada and NATO's occupation of her country. And on November 26, outspoken Afghan Member of Parliament Malalai Joya will speak in Ottawa. Don't miss Malalai Joya at this special event to launch her book, A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Speak Out. To learn more about Malalai Joya, see:; and;

Co-written with Canadian Peace Alliance Co-Chair and writer Derrick O'Keefe, A Woman Among Warlords is an important and timely book. Malalai Joya's personal story is inspiring, and her political message is an uncompromising appeal for an end to NATO's occupation of Afghanistan and the impunity of the warlords of the Karzai regime.

Don't miss this rare chance to hear her in person.


Cost: $10, $5 for students and unwaged.
Location: Advance tickets are on sale at Octopus Books, 116 Third Ave, Ottawa.
Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm, Sunday - 12 pm - 5pm
Map:; | Phone: (613) 233-2589

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Study Examines Children's Awareness of Racism

And their conclusion?

By age 9, children are well aware of the existence of racism. "I think that would be surprising to many people, that by second or third grade a lot of kids get it, they get that there's racism in the world and they understand what it is", says one of the researchers involved.

Probably not surprising to the 9 year old kids who are the target of racism and prejudice...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada Membership

This is a fundraising appeal. PLEASE join ARCC! There's lots of good reasons why. First, it's damn cheap! - only $20 for a year. That includes our newsletter "The Activist/L'Activiste", issued 3 times a year, as well as your choice of private listservs to keep up to date on news related to reproductive rights in Canada.

Most of all, your membership helps to support our work ensuring abortion access and rights for Canadian women. The Conservative government and the anti-choice movement in Canada are both very active in trying to take away those rights, so our work is cut out for us - and we really need your ongoing support. And we're not shirkers: check out this update on ARCC news and activities over the last year and a half:; We hope you'll agree that our work deserves your support!

All of ARCC's revenue comes from private donations and membership fees - we receive NO funding from external sources. In addition, we are the only national POLITICAL pro-choice group in Canada - we're NOT a charity - which means our lobbying and political work is essential to the continued protection of abortion rights in Canada - even while fundraising is difficult because we cannot apply for most grants or provide tax receipts (sorry!)

So we hope you can join us in the ongoing struggle. Please visit our website for info on how to join:; (and for more info, email info@arcc-;

Joyce Arthur, Coordinator

Friday, November 6, 2009

19 out of 20 young women 'would change bodies'

According to this Independent article, "Girls as young as seven would like to change something about their appearance".

"Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson, whose party wants to ban airbsrushing pictures, blamed the pressure young girls find themselves under on an “unrealistic idea of what is beautiful means.”

“This report highlights the worrying number of teenage girls who are going on extreme diets or even considering cosmetic surgery because they're unhappy with the way they look,” she said, adding: “Airbrushing means that adverts now contain completely unattainable images that no-one can live up to in real life.

“Girls shouldn't constantly feel the need to measure up to a very narrow range of digitally manipulated images.”"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Miss G__ Project: Ontario-wide GENDER STUDIES COURSE!

Dearest Everyone,

It is with great pleasure and deep honour that we present to you, at long last, the result of all our collective labour, the fruit of our feminist-activist loins: The final draft of the Ontario-wide GENDER STUDIES COURSE!!!

It is now online for you to read, review, and give the Min your feedback:

This piece of province-wide, senior-level curriculum (nestled cozzily in a suite of new equity courses) has been nearly five-years in the asking/making, and is -- in our humble opinion -- a thing of beauty. It has been run through every test the Ministry could throw at it -- including several rounds of scrutiny by yours truly (the Miss G_ steering committee), and a pilot run in several schools across the province. It has thus faced and passed the ultimate test: the judicious eye of high school students. It has been drafted, drawing-boarded, tweaked, re-tweaked, projected through simulator wind-tunnels for aerodynamic endurance and agility, and is now ready to face the world. That is, YOU.

We are proud as punch to see the actual, for-serious WGS course in the flesh and ready for implementation. We anticipate that this will be a fantastic resource and space for discussion for students of all genders -- boys, girls, and everyone in between -- though of course it's only the beginning, rather than the end, of our effort to make education more equitable and accessible for all students.

Please take a few moments to survey the Gender Studies course that has come into the world thanks to all of your hard work and Ministry/government/media-
pestering abilities! Let the Ministry of Ed know what you think and feel free to offer them props and kudos for listening to your demands and making this a reality.

Yours ever,
The G__ Squad
The Miss G__ Project
for Equity in Education

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ottawa Ladyfest: Reel Thursdays - Celebrating Female Sexuality

When: Thursday, November 5th, 2009
Where: Mercury Lounge (56 ByWard Market - Upstairs)
Doors Open: 7:00pm
Screening Time: 8:30pm
Cost: $3

Here's an invitation to see what 'reel' filmmakers are up to at the Independent Filmmakers Co-operative of Ottawa (IFCO). Come check out IFCO's REEL THURSDAYS at the Mercury Lounge. November's REEL THURSDAYS screening is all about CELEBRATING FEMALE SEXUALITY!

8 fantastic IFCO female filmmakers were summoned by Ladyfest Ottawa to create 8 new Super 8 short films exploring the theme of Celebrating Sexuality. “Ladyfest Ottawa (LFO) is a non-profit, primarily women-organized music and arts festival that is open to everyone.” These films are sure to inspire, excite, provoke and keep all eyes glued to the screen.

It’s going to be a HOT one folks! So, make sure to drop by for a great night of captivating new short films.

You’re also invited to stay after the screening for Ottawa’s monthly TimeKode shake down, starting at (10pm), where great music and great people intersect!

Bring a friend and chill with us!

Lady Fest
Exclusive Film and Video

Monday, November 2, 2009

Separation as a risk factor for women’s murder

In a review of 72 domestic homicides, an actual or pending separation was observed in 81% of cases… The Ontario Domestic Violence Deaths Review Committee found that within the domestic homicide cases where couples were separated, a significant reason for continued contact …was to deal with issues related to children. The risk may be increased... particularly when that contact relates to child custody issues. Victims and the public should be educated on the risk of separation and how to separate safely. Separation can be a long process rather than a discrete event. Research should identify critical issues to be considered when facilitating a separation involving a couple with risk factors…

Of 230 deaths related to domestic violence studied 2002-08 by DVDRC, 142 were women, 23 children, 65 men (the majority of men’s deaths were suicides by the perpetrator).

- Sixth Annual Report of Domestic Violence Death Review Committee, Ontario, 2008.
(Courtesy of NB Women's News – November 2, 2009. A service of the New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women)