Friday, October 1, 2010

We Took it Back

Last thursday, many women from Ottawa and Gatineau got together to take a stand against violence against women and reclaim the night as a safe space for all. It was wonderful to see women from so many different backgrounds united together for the important cause.

After the March, Women's Organizations in Ottawa welcomed all those present to City Hall to give information on their services. The Women's Event Network did a wonderful job in coordinating the event and offering great food and entertainment for all! The Slam Poetry/Spoken Word Artists and Musician were very inspiring and captivating.

The Ottawa RebELLEs were happy to help organize the event and see so much enthusiasm from young women. We hope to collaborate with them in the near future.

Although the March was vibrant, many of us asked ourselves, why weren't more women of Ottawa present?


  1. I am so proud of Ottawa RebELLEs for being there and taking back the night (er... early evening?)!!!

    The banner looks amazing, and I am really pleased that we followed up on last year's presence with a stronger, more visible message of support on behalf of the group.

    We've come such a long way from our first meeting of three people talking about forming a local group and this blog post really warms my heart!


  2. Bravo Ottawa reBELLEs
    Caroline Brunette
