Monday, October 4, 2010

Sisters in Spirit Vigil

I hope this finds everyone well. This is a friendly reminder that this afternoon starting at noon on Parliament Hill the Native Women's Association of Canada will be hosting a Sisters in Spirit Vigil and community feast. This is to commemorate the disproportionate number of missing and murdered Aboriginal girls and womyn across this country. It is also a call to action to bring forth this very important issue and to do our part on behalf of all peoples of this country to create accountability within our communities and especially within our government (at all levels).

In case you hadn't noticed, there is an upcoming municipal election here in this (insert chosen adjective) city of Ottawa. Womyn's issues don't often, if ever, make the discussion rounds mainly under the guise that it is a provincial or federal issues (there are of course many excuses made by local politicians). That is why this year a wonderful citizen of this city has decided to set up a debate. All candidates mayoral debate to be held on Monday Oct 18th from 6-9pm at the main auditorium of the Ottawa Public Library Main Branch. Come with your concerns, questions and constructive criticisms. The debate will be bilingual of course and all are welcome. Stay tuned for further details...


1 comment:

  1. I read elsewhere that the women's debate is Oct 20 in Council Chambers - could there possibly be two?
