Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Indigenous Sovereignty Week Oct 27 - Nov 4, 2010 - Ottawa / unceded Algonquin Territory
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pro-Choice Call to Action
Please send a letter to your MP asking them to vote against the private member's bill C-510, "an act to amend the Criminal Code (coerced abortion)." The bill was introduced in April and is scheduled for 2nd Reading vote on Nov 1.
Please check out the following link to some media coverage:
For more info on the bill, see the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada's press release in:
How you can help defend women's rights?
Below is a sample letter that you can copy and paste into an email or a letter. Feel free to edit the letter or write your own. Address your email to your MP.
Look up your MP HERE.
Sample Letter/Email:
Subject: Please vote against Bill C-510
Dear [insert your MP's name]
I'm writing to ask you to please vote against Bill C-510, an act to prohibit "coerced abortion", which is slated for a 2nd reading vote in Parliament on Nov 1.
Bill C510 is a private member's bill that would amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercing a woman into an abortion via physical or financial threats, illegal acts, or through “argumentative and rancorous badgering or importunity”. It was introduced on April 15 by anti-abortion Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge (Winnipeg South), who chairs the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus.
I'm pro-choice and part of Canada's pro-choice majority. I believe this is an unnecessary bill that promotes abortion stigma, paternalizes women, and puts providers at risk. The bill is redundant because threats and illegal acts are already illegal under the Criminal Code, and counselors at clinics already screen for possible coercion in women seeking abortion. However, the anti-choice movement falsely believes that clinics coerce women into abortions, so we fear this bill may encourage frivolous charges against providers, as well as harassment and violence. The bill patronizes women by implying they are frequently coerced into abortion, but the vast majority of women make their own decision to have an abortion and take responsibility for it. If the intent is really to protect women from abusive partners, we need better and more comprehensive solutions than this bill.
The bill is supported and promoted by Canada's anti-abortion movement. It represents their latest attempt to get a foot in the door towards recriminalizing abortion. The bill refers to a fetus as a “child,” making it another Trojan Horse for smuggling fetal rights into law. As you may recall, the "Unborn Victims of Crime Act" from 2008 (Bill C484) passed 2nd reading
because its deceptive language fooled a number of pro-choice MPs.
Thank you in advance for voting against Bill C510.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Inspiring and brilliant action from la Marche Mondiale des Femmes du Québec!!
Way to go la marche mondiale des femmes!! Bringing back Guerrila style activism to feminism...absolutely brilliant.
Yesterday, 11 feminist activists occupied the office of the Minister of the Status of Women of Québec.
On est très inspiré de voir des actions si concrètes et provocatrices pour avancer la lutte féministe.
Hier, 11 militantes ont occupé le bureau de la Ministre de la Condition féminine à Montréal.
La version complète de l'article suit, incluant des liens médiatiques.
See full article below Including media coverage links (unfortunately the articles in English are very superficial). English follows.
Way to go la marche mondiale des femmes!! Bringing back Guerrila style activism to feminism...absolutely brilliant.
On est très inspiré de voir des actions si concrètes et provocatrices pour avancer la lutte féministe.
Hier, 11 militantes ont occupé le bureau de la Ministre de la Condition féminine à Montréal.
La version complète de l'article suit, incluant des liens médiatiques.
Des FÉMINISTES OCCUPENT LE BUREAU DE LA MINISTRE - Action historique de la Marche mondiale des femmes au Québec
(SVP, diffuser largement dans vos réseaux. Merci.)
ACTION HISTORIQUE de la Marche mondiale des femmes au Québec hier
11 militantes occupent le bureau de la Ministre de la Condition féminine à Montréal
11 militantes de la Marche mondiale des femmes (MMF) ont occupé hier le bureau de la ministre de la Condition féminine du Québec durant plus de 8 heures, exigeant des réponses positives aux 8 revendications de la MMF 2010. Parmis elles, trois RebELLEs ont occupé le bureau. Neuf d'entre-elles - dont deux RebELLEs - ont été arrêtées, font maintenant face à des accusations et sont criminalisées pour avoir lutté contre la pauvreté, la violence et les politiques racistes, patriarcales et capitalistes du gouvenement provincial de droite, le gouvenement Charest.
SVP, exprimez votre solidarité avec les actions de la MMF 2010 et les arrêtées en écrivant directement aux organisatrices à, c.c. MERCI!
Vous pouvez consulter les revendications de la MMF 2010, lire les réponses de la ministre et suivre la couverture médiatique de l'événement en cliquant sur les liens suivants (ci-bas). Voici un court vidéo capté par les militantes durant leur occupation:
Luttons avec autant de coeur que de rage!!
Féministes, VIVA!
Barbara Legault, l'une des 11 occupantes
Coordonnatrice du Secrétariat pancanadien du Mouvement RebELLEs
Sarah.k Granke, l'une des 11 occupantes
Membre du Comité organisateur du rassemblement RebELLEs 2011 à Winnipeg (20-23 mai)
Marche mondiale des femmes au Québec - Toute l'information
La faible réponse de la ministre aux revendications de la MMF
Une partie de la couverture médiatique et autres liens
Monday, October 11, 2010
in light of Mental Health Day - Celebrating my Circumstance
straight jackets, antipsychotics, sleeping pills,
lithium, supervised showers, and most nurses
and doctors treating you subhuman-ly
empty of everything
existential questioning
therapy and yoga